Reader's corner: Magazines
Over the years I managed to collect lots of magazines of different kinds.
Download a list of magazines containing articles related to Didier Pironi
here (soon)
Please find a selection of the latest additions here....
Autodiva is a relatively new magazine from France which has recently published an issue (#12) with Didier on the
cover and a large article as for the 25th anniversary of his passing away while #13 has an article on Louis-Joseph Dolhem,
Didier's half-brother.
Even more impressive ist the #8 issue of Grand Prix Magazine (also from France). This magazine is packed
with information, lots of rare photos and a dialog between Jacques Villeneuve and Didier's sons,
Gilles and Didier.
Autosport in their issue of August, 16th looks back at the strange 1982 season with the accidents of Villeneuve, Paletti and
Didier Pironi. John Watson comments on Didier and the Imola issue very intelligently.
Finally German mag Powerslide has a special issue on 40 years of BMW M Power. Among other interesting articles there is
a feature on the BMW M1 with several nice pictures of the 1980 Carte de France M1.
Mail : info@didierpironi.net
www.didierpironi.net |
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